JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the repair of the Ciawi-Sukabumi (Bocimi) section 2 post-longsor to be completed before the end of 2024. Currently, the handling process has reached 50 percent.
"The post-leasing permanent handling on the Bocimi Toll Road section 2 km 64+600 which occurred on April 3 is targeted to be completed before the end of 2024. The handling process has reached 50 percent," wrote the Instagram account @pupr_binamarga, quoted Wednesday, August 28.
As for the current handling, namely building a bore pile solver pile on the top side, the stage of the column construction (extension bore pile) on the top side pile sollier, the top side bore pile solver, then building a bore pile solver pile on the lower side. In addition, the installation of gabions and the provision of materials, such as geotextiles, HDPE subdrain pipes, concrete iron.
Until now, section 2 of the Bocimi Toll Road cannot be crossed. Therefore, the Ministry of PUPR urges motorists to cross the Bocimi toll road section 1 Ciawi-Cigombong.
Previously, the Bocimi Toll Road, precisely at the exit of the Parungkuda kilometer 64-600 toll road, collapsed on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.
As a result of the incident, a unit of Isuzu Panther's car that was passing fell into a landslide about 10 meters (m) deep. In addition, two cars hit a median road in shock to avoid landslides.
"There were three vehicles involved in the incident, namely two MPV cars and one truck," said PT Trans Jabar Tol (TJT) President Director Abdul Hakim in a written statement in Jakarta.
The three vehicles drove from Jakarta to Sukabumi at a speed of approximately 80 km per hour in lane one. When crossing km 64+600 A, suddenly one lane had an avalanche. Thus, one of the MPV vehicles fell into a hole.
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