JAKARTA – PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) together with PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) and PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) and supported by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), once again held a series of Public Expose Live 2024 events.
BEI President Director Iman Rachman in his speech said that this activity aims to provide transparency as an effort to protect investors and as a fulfillment of the obligation to provide information disclosure to the public by listed companies, in addition, this activity is also a series of events to commemorate the 47th Anniversary of the Reactivation of the Indonesian Capital Market.
Meanwhile, this public expose live was held virtually for 5 days from 26 - 30 August 2024. A total of 44 Listed Companies participated in presenting public expose materials at the event.
In addition, the public expose live is a general exposure event for listed companies in BEI to explain company performance updates as regulated in Exchange Regulation Number I-E concerning the Obligation to Submit Information. Some of the things that will be presented include financial performance and plans or efforts to improve company performance.
Iman added that the live public expose is an opportunity for investors to interact with listed companies and can improve investor understanding regarding the condition of listed companies. In addition, it is also a fulfillment of the annual public expose obligation by Listed Companies.
"We are sure that with the forum provided, it can further foster investor trust in the capital market, especially listed companies that participate in the live public expose event. Ultimately, this will strengthen the investor base in Indonesia," he explained in his statement, Monday, August 26.
For information, since 2020, the Live Public Expose has been held entirely virtually and will continue until 2024. Participants can take part in the Live Public Expose for free by registering via the link: https://pubexlive.idx.co.id.
Iman said that the target participants for the Live Public Expose are investors, prospective investors, securities company analysts, local and foreign investment managers, representatives from pension funds, representatives from insurance, and mass media journalists.
In addition, the series of public expose live 2024 events also includes holding a press conference by listed companies to mass media journalists.
Iman hopes that the 2024 public expose live can be attended by many participants and can exceed the number of participants in the 2023 Public Expose Live, which was 16,423 participants.
"IDX invites the general public, including investors to attend and participate in the 2024 Public Expose Live to get the latest company information to help make investment decisions," he said.
Iman said that in the end, it is hoped that investors can make responsible investment decisions, by always considering information comprehensively and from trusted persons.
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