PT PLN (Persero) has succeeded in providing 24-hour access to clean electricity for residents of Polewali Island, Saugi Island, and Sapuli Island in Pangkajene and Islands (Pangkep), South Sulawesi.

Electricity sourced from new and renewable energy (EBT) in this area, which is among the leading, outermost, and underdeveloped (3T), came after PLN succeeded in installing 118 units of micro solar power plants (PLTS) and energy storage programs of Sorong Ultimate for Electrifying Surya for the Country (SuperSUN).

SuperSUN itself is an individual solar power plant with 900 Volt Ampere (VA) power equipped with a prepaid kWh meter. This system consists of a PV Panel with a capacity of 440 Wp - 700 Wp and a battery with a capacity of 2 kWh.

General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit of South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and West Sulawesi (UID Sulselrabar), Budiono, said that until July 2024, the Electrification Ratio in South Sulawesi had reached 99.99%.

"This effort is also proof of PLN's commitment to the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in supporting sustainable economic development." he said, quoted on Saturday, August 24.

He also advised the public to be able to care for PLN assets that have been installed so that they can be used optimally.

"Please ladies and gentlemen to maintain these assets. If there is a disturbance, we are ready to help with the handling. I am optimistic that this electricity will bring positive changes in everyday life, as well as open up new opportunities to develop the local economy," said Budiono.

The residents also felt the benefits of this clean electricity, one of which was Basir Daeng Liong, a resident of Polewali Island. Basir admitted that the presence of PLN's electricity helped him and the surrounding community to be more productive.

Previously, people who mostly worked as fishermen had to travel to Pangkep mainland 12.4 km by sea for one hour just to buy ice cubes before going to sea looking for fish. With the presence of electricity, Basir can use the freezer to store the fish.

"We are very grateful for the presence of electricity from PLN. In the past, to get electricity, we had to spend Rp. 210 thousand per month to turn on the generator, that was only from 18.00-22.00. Currently, with electricity running 24 hours full, we only need to spend around Rp. 50,000 per month," said Basir.

He also explained that in addition to the freezer, people also use electricity for various household activities such as using water pumps, refrigerators, and children's learning needs at night.

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