JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is known to offer the Akimegah 1 and Akimegah 2 Blocks to Chinese oil and gas companies.

The government is known to have auctioned off two working areas (WK) in the Warim oil and gas block, namely Akimegah 1 and Akimegah 2. However, until now the two oil and gas blocks that intersect with the Lorentz National Park have not found any interest.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Trustees Ariana Soemanto said his party would offer the two oil and gas blocks to China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

"CNPC is being offered (Akimegah 1 and Akimegah 2). We have Warim. Yes, who knows China wants to take it too. We will offer it," he said, quoted Thursday, August 22.

Ariana also said that previously WK Warim had been auctioned but had not found any interest so that an offer would be made to the Chinese company.

"This Warim area is auctioned off the other day under the name Akimegah I and Akimegah II with a total potential resource of more than 30 billion barrels of oil equivalent. This figure is not yet a reserve number, but it is still a resource, it is quite large," continued Ariana.

Ariana further said that currently the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is focusing on 5 oil and gas exploration areas in Eastern Indonesia. The five areas include the Buton area; the two Timor areas.

"Both of them are in a joint study. The third is the Seram area, the joint study has been completed and is ready to bid directly in the near future," he continued.

Furthermore, Aru's area consists of 2 areas, namely 1 part of which has become the Bobara oil and gas block which was set in May 2024 with the Petronas contractor, while another part is in the joint study.

"The fifth is the Warim area in Papua," concluded Ariana.

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