PT PLN (Persero) distributed Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) to gold mining company PT Agincourt Resources as many as 275,000 REC units or the equivalent of 275 Megawatt hour electric New Renewable Energy (EBT) from PLN.

This was marked by the signing of the sale and purchase between the PLN of the North Sumatra Main Distribution Unit (UID) and PT Agincourt Resources in Medan on Tuesday, August 13.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said, REC is a form of PLN service that makes it easier for customers to get recognition for the use of EBT which is transparent, accountable, and recognized internationally.

"Every REC certificate proves that the electricity used by customers comes from the EBT generator. We really appreciate the company that initiated the use of REC as an effort to support the energy transition in the country," Darmawan said in a statement to the media, Monday, August 19.

General Manager of PLN UID North Sumatra Saleh Siswanto appreciated PT Agincourt Resources, which is now using the REC PLN service. This is proof that PLN's green product innovation received good review from customers, including PT Agincourt Resources.

The use of REC services, he said, also shows the company's commitment is in line with PLN's efforts to reduce carbon emissions and support the creation of green industry in North Sumatra.

"With a total purchase of 275,000 units, this is the largest achievement outside Java Island. We would like to thank PT Agincourt Resources for the trust given to PLN," said Saleh.

Saleh also expressed his gratitude for the customer's trust in PLN as the main provider of electricity in each of their production processes. He ensured that PLN was ready to meet the needs of customers who took part in using clean electricity.

"We are optimistic that we can provide quality and quality of electricity supply in each production. PLN is also ready to supply PT Agincourt Resources' electricity needs to support its production improvement," said Saleh.

Senior Manager of Commercial PT Agincourt Resources, Jingga Ajani said the purchase of the REC was a form of Astra Group's support for the government's program towards NZE in 2060.

"The purchase of REC is in accordance with Astra Group's target to achieve NZE by 2060 and decarbonization by 2030. We are committed together with PLN to use clean energy and maintain a better environment in the future," said Jingga.

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