JAKARTA - With the achievement of positive performance for the 2023 financial year, Bank DKI again won an award at the Indonesia Finance Award with the title as The Best Indonesia Finance for Bank BPD Company 2024 Asset < Rp100 T Category from the Economic Review at the Indonesia Finance Award-VIII 2024 event in Jakarta on Monday 12 August.

The Indonesia Finance Award-VII 2024 is a form of appreciation for companies that are considered consistent and able to maintain positive financial performance. The award was given to Bank DKI after going through a series of evaluation processes by the independent team of the Economic Review based on company financial performance data and other data published through the company's official website.

Based on the results of the assessment, Bank DKI won the Platinum predicate with a "Very Excellent" or five-star assessment. The assessment carried out includes the company's performance data listed on the 2023 Annual Report that has been audited, data published on the company's official website, as well as other accessible public data. The assessment indicator also emphasizes the company's financial resilience which includes liquidity, cash flow operation, debt payability, and stock performance for an open company.

Bank DKI's Director of Finance & Strategy, Romy Wijayanto, through his official statement dedicated the award received to all stakeholders, especially customers, shareholders and partners who continue to give trust to Bank DKI.

"This award is a good motivation to continue to achieve good financial performance, and grow in a healthy and sustainable manner and provide added value to all stakeholders," said Romy, in a written statement, Tuesday, August 13.

The Indonesia Finance Award-VIII 2024 will be held since 2018, held in collaboration with the Economic Review, Indonesia Asia Institute, Idoku Group, Indonesia Leaders, and assessed by the independent and professional Jury in the field of Finance from IPMI International Business School, Perbanas Insitute, University of YAI, Cyber University. The jury involved consists of Advisors, namely Professor Finance IPMI Institute, Roy Sembel, and Chancellor of Cyber University, Gunawan Witjaksono.

Also chaired by Lecturer Postgraduates at the Boarding School Dewantoro Marsono Institute, with members of Postgraduate Lecturers at Persada Indonesia University YAI, Shafenti, Head of Investment Gallery IPMI Institute, Ardo R.Dwitanto, Director of Research and Community Services at IPMI Institute, Dety Nurfadilah, and Former Finance Director of BUMN (Persero), Nilawaty Djuanda.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Arie Rinaldi on a different occasion added that the Indonesia Finance Award-VII 2024 award received was a motivation to continue to improve performance through various business strategies.

"This award is an encouragement for all Bank DKI personnel to continue to maintain the Company's solid performance, and continue to present innovations in various fields, especially in terms of services to customers," concluded Arie.

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