The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) ensures that the Task Force for Supervision of Certain Goods Subjected to the Import Commercial Procedure, or the Illegal Import Task Force in taking action does not target modern retailers. However, to the warehouses of importers.

This was conveyed by the Director General of Domestic Trade (PDN) Isy Karim at the Indonesia Retail Summit 2024 Indonesian Discount Shopping Day 2024, at the Jakarta Convention Center, Friday, August 9.

"We need to say that last week there was quite viral news that the task force participated in raiding shopping centers, the shopping centers were not true. What is true is that the task force will only take action in importing warehouses," said Isy.

Isy also hopes that the Association of Indonesian Shopping Center Retailers and Tenants (Hippindo) conveys this to its members so that there will be no more concerns from retail business actors.

"We also hope that the Hippindo ranks will convey to their members not to worry about continuing their daily activities. So there is no need to worry about raids," he explained.

Traders Don't Need To Panic

Previously, it was reported that the Minister of Trade (Mendag), Zulkifli Hasan, said that the Illegal Import Task Force (Satgas) did not target retail traders as targets for handling.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas said the Task Force will focus on overseeing the activities of importers, distributors, or wholesalers of seven supervised commodities.

The seven commodities are Textiles and textile products (TPT), Jadi Clothing, Ceramics, Electronics, Beauty or cosmetics, Textile Goods are finished, and Footwear.

"So that there is no misunderstanding, the focus of supervision is importers or distributors. So wholesale, importers," he said during a press conference, at the Ministry of Trade office, Jakarta, Friday, July 19.

Therefore, Zulhas appealed to traders who sell the seven commodities with legal status not to worry about the existence of the task force.

"If it's true, why panic? Just keep trading, why panic," said Zulhas.

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