PENAJAM PASER UTARA - VVIP Airport in the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara has certainly not been able to be used during the celebration of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. It is known, there are still about 300 meters (m) for runways or runways that cannot be completed.

Related to this, Acting Deputy Chief of OIKN Raja Juli Antoni said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had never forced the construction of air infrastructure to be completed to support ceremonial activities.

"Pak Jokowi has never forced or made a deadline for the completion of August 17th. With my own eyes, the Minister of Transportation (Budi Karya) said that IKN Airport would not be completed on August 17 due to weather constraints. There are still around 300 m that cannot be resolved," Antoni told reporters at the Sepaku Semoi Dam, Friday, August 9.

"Pak Jokowi said not to take risks against safety, security," he continued.

When based at the Garuda Palace, said Antoni, Jokowi advised that the completion of the infrastructure to welcome the August 17 ceremony at IKN should not be rushed. Remember, safety is the main element in the project work.

"So, it's not something that works briefly on 17 (August) and safety first. Don't just rush and then fail construction. That's Pak Jokowi's own language that I listened to when we had our first day of meeting, Mr. Jokowi worked at the Garuda Palace," he said.

Meanwhile, continued Antoni, technically Nusantara is ready to be the location of the August 17 Ceremony in the new capital city.

"I want to say that without preceding the will that lies ahead, technically for OIKN on August 17 it is not a big problem. Everything is ready, it is set up. What we always say is that IKN development is not completed on August 17. This is a long-term project of pride for Indonesia for our children and grandchildren," he added.

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