JAKARTA - To expand the reach of digital financial services for the community, PT Inovasi Terdepan Nusantara (360Kredi) and Sahabat Sampoerna Bank (Bank Sampoerna) have established a loan channeling or credit forwarding collaboration. This is based on the increasing need for people to access financial services. However, many people still do not have this access.

360Kredi CEO Kuseryansyah said that this collaboration is an important part of the effort to provide safe, easy, and fast inclusive financial services, which is 360Kredi's mission. Through this collaboration, 360Kredi and Bank Sampoerna also play an active role in supporting the economic growth of the Indonesian people to become better and more civilized.

"We hope that this collaboration can last a long time, can grow and be healthy, bring benefits to the community, and benefit both parties, both 360Kredi and Bank Sampoerna. This collaboration is also an important milestone for the development of 360Kredi," said Kuseryansyah, in his written statement, Friday, August 9.

He continued, 360Kredi and Bank Sampoerna believe that this collaboration will have a positive impact on the fintech and banking industries.

Bank Sahabat Sampoerna Finance & Business Planning Director Henky Suryaputra emphasized that Bank Sampoerna welcomes the partnership with the P2P lending platform 360Kredi in supporting the growth of fintech lending as a funding solution for the community.

"The partnership with 360Kredi reflects one of the three main pillars of the company, namely MSMEs, technology development, and collaboration. By strengthening collaboration and digitalization, Bank Sampoerna hopes to help the community and MSME players in getting access to productive funding more easily," said Henky.

Since its inception, Bank Sahabat Sampoerna has been consistent in empowering MSMEs. This is reflected in the amount of MSME credit disbursement by Bank Sampoerna as of June 2024 which reached 65.52% of the total credit disbursed.

Kuseryansyah added that this collaboration also confirms 360Kredi's commitment to developing and strengthening the fintech industry through peer-to-peer lending for the national economy, as well as efforts to increase contributions to achieving increasingly equitable financial inclusion in Indonesia.

"This collaboration is a form of trust from banking industry partners to the company. Of course, this trust will improve the quality of funding distribution evenly," he said.

The signing of the collaboration was carried out at the Bank Sahabat Sampoerna Building on Friday, August 2, 2024. This collaboration is based on a shared vision in providing financial solutions that answer customer needs in developing and strengthening the digital financial ecosystem.

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