JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) stated that it received 160 complaints related to Spaylater as of July 2024. Especially regarding the behavior of billing officers.

Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial Services Business Actors, Education and Protection of Consumers of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Friderica Widyasari Dewi said, OJK has ordered finance companies to follow up on consumer complaints related to the behavior of billing officers by taking action, namely, handling and resolving every complaint received according to the provisions, providing training to collection officers and or third parties who carry out collection activities.

"From January 1 to July 26, 2024, there were 160 complaints related to the Spaylater through the Consumer Protection Portal Application (APPK) with the most reported problems regarding the behavior of collection officers and the problem of the Financial Information Service System (SLIK)," Friderica said, quoting Antara.

Friderica said that to mitigate complaints from collection officers, not limited to Spaylater, OJK has ordered several financial service business actors (PUJK) who provide credit or financing products to review documents related to policies and or collection procedures.

If evidence is found of violations of the behavior of billing officers that do not comply with applicable regulations, the OJK will impose administrative sanctions or give orders to the PUJK to correct the policies and or collection mechanisms carried out, so that incidents related to the behavior of billing officers that did not comply with the provisions do not happen again.

In addition, OJK takes steps to prevent consumer and public losses, including always providing information and education to the public on the characteristics of the financial services, services, and products sector.

OJK has also regulated provisions related to the collection process that can be carried out by PUJK collection officers, namely OJK Regulation 22/2023 concerning Consumer Protection and the Community in the Financial Services Sector.

These provisions include, among others, starting with a warning letter, being able to cooperate with other parties who have certified human resources (HR) in the field of collection and PUJK is responsible for all the impacts caused.

Credit collection is carried out in accordance with the provisions, namely not using violent means, not to parties other than consumers, not continuously disturbing, and at collection or domicile addresses for consumers, except with agreements.

Then, credit collection is only carried out on Monday-Saturday outside the national holiday from 08.00 to 20.00 local time, except with agreements.

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