Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) II Thomas Djiwandono said the biggest enemy of investment was uncertainty.

According to him, public information disclosure can play a role in emphasizing investment uncertainty factors, so as to encourage economic growth.

"With more certainty, it can encourage investment to grow, create new jobs, and encourage purchasing power to increase," he explained at the Ministry of Finance's KPIP seminar, Tuesday, August 6.

According to Thomas, the disclosure of information will increase public confidence in investing so that in the end everything will have an impact on reducing poverty and improving welfare.

"The public needs to be able to access various information about what public officials are doing, where the source of the budget comes from, how the budget is managed, what is the impact of the budget allocation that was decided, and so on," he explained.

Thomas explained that public information disclosure can be done in providing portals that are easily accessible and with accessible information, the public can be directly involved in the development stage.

Starting from the planning process, decision making, implementation supervision, and evaluation of development results.

"Public trust can increase when people can observe how the money they deposit in the form of taxes is managed. By understanding and seeing firsthand how taxes are allocated for the benefit of the community, the public's willingness to become obedient taxpayers can increase," he said.

Thomas said that in the end it would have an impact on greater revenue and could support economic growth through the investment side.

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