JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the construction of the Pandansimo Bridge in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) to be completed by the end of this year.
The completion of the bridge construction is to improve connectivity on the Southern Cross Road (JJLS) or South Coastal Road (Pansela) in DIY Province.
"The bridge construction work has reached 53 percent with the target of completion by the end of 2024," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement, Tuesday, July 30.
The construction of the Pandansimo Bridge was carried out by the National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR with the APBN budget reaching Rp814 billion.
The Pandansimo Bridge has a main span of 675 meters (m) long bridge with a total handling of 1,900 m. The bridge construction is equipped with Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) technology to protect or reduce the main bridge structure from potential earthquake disasters.
It is known, this bridge is above the ground with a sandy structure and shallow groundwater level, which is located not far from the source of the earthquake with an opaque fault with a radius of less than 10 kilometers (km).
Commitment Making Officer (PPK) 1.4 of Yogyakarta DI Province, Central Java BBPJN-DIY Setiawan Wibowo said LRB technology can increase structural resilience to earthquakes, which LRB has elastic properties.
Thus, it allows the lower structure to move or shift in case of an earthquake and then return to its original position when the earthquake ends and function to prevent serious damage to the bridge structure.
He added that the Pandansimo Bridge construction also uses the Corrugated Steel Plate (CSP) which has not been widely used on bridges in Indonesia.
"The use of CSP is expected to make the bridge structure lighter but stronger and faster in installation. Thus, it is relatively more effective and efficient in terms of cost and time," he said.
Later, the Pandansimo Bridge will be be beautified with local wisdom ornaments in the form of the Gunungan icon with the interpretation of Slour Keris and Batik Nitik as the gateway for the creation of a cultural space. In addition, there is also Gapura Joglo as a marker of the entry point or exit of the bridge.
For your information, the Pandansimo Bridge stretches over the Progo River which connects the South Coast Road of the Congot-Ngremang (Kulon Progo Regency) section with the Pandansimo-Samas (Batul Regency) section.
The presence of the Pandansimo Bridge is expected to increase connectivity on the Southern Line of Java, where most of the roads are located near the South Coast so that it has the potential to become a tourism route in Yogyakarta.
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