JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Mulyanto, regretted the decision of PP Muhammadiyah which finally accepted the offer of mining management from the Government.

Mulyanto is worried that this decision will hurt people's expectations of Muhammadiyah's independence and independence in front of the government.

"I am surprised by this decision. Muhammadiyah usually makes decisions beyond the expectations of the community. Usually Muhammadiyah and its leaders are quite critical of the existing government policies, especially the policies that occur in the community," said Mulyanto in his statement to the media, Monday, June 29.

Mulyanto said, this time with the acceptance of the mining concession, the public caught a signal not only that Muhammadiyah agreed to the substance of the norm contained in the regulation, but even supported it/

He added that with this attitude, Muhammadiyah seemed to have dropped degrees from high-politics areas to low-politics areas and missed considering aspects of good governance or good governance.

Because the important point of this problem is the violation of the law when religious organizations are offered mining concessions, even offered on a priority basis.

"Of course there will be political risks, both from an internal point of view, from the community, as well as relationships with power," he added.

In addition, according to Mulyanto, the acceptance of the mining concession is prone to Muhammadiyah, because it is possible that the PP, which is the legal basis for granting priority for the mining concession, will be subject to a judicial review and canceled by the Supreme Court.

"If that happens, Muhammadiyah will be a hassle," he said.

Mulyanto argues that PP No. 25 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of Minerba Mining Business Activities is contrary to Law no. 3 of 2020 concerning Minerba Mining.

Especially related to the article that regulates the priority of offering special mining business permits (WIUPK) areas which are ex-PKP2B areas to Business Entities owned by religious community organizations.

The priority Minerba Law is given to BUMD/BUMD. Article 75 paragraphs (3) and (4) of the Minerba Law clearly and firmly regulates that the priority of giving WIUPK is to BUMN/BUMD.

Meanwhile, private business entities provided by WIUPK are carried out through a fair auction process.

"Actually, the government's good intentions to assist religious organizations will be more regulatory if it is carried out through the provision of participating interest (PI) or assistance through CSR funds, not through the provision of mining concessions," concluded Mulyanto.

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