JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Head of the IKN Authority Basuki Hadimuljono said, currently there are a total of 45 investors who have carried out the groundbreaking procession in stage 1 to stage 6.

"For example, now about investment, from 45 groundbreakings from 1-6 then carried out by the President, yesterday July 26, (2024) a cooperation agreement between OIKN and investors was signed, he asked for the 45 to be completed immediately," Basuki said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 29.

He revealed that next week it is also planned to hold a groundbreaking phase 7 involving five investors.

"Next week, if the President visits here, there will be another groundbreaking of about five and that must be PKS (cooperation agreement), otherwise PKS will not be groundbreaking with BCA then Intiland, Indogrosir, RGE (Royal Golden Eagle), and Switzerland-Belhotel. This is not too much for five but it must be complete with PKS, including licensing," said Basuki.

He added that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wanted the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) to become an example of good and fast governance.

"For investment, he also said that this IKN will be an example of good and fast governance. It's not good enough now but it must be fast, whatever licensing and so on to make it faster and this will be an example for other urban governance," said Basuki.

Previously, President Jokowi said the development process at IKN had an impact on economic growth in the surrounding region.

"Try to check at BI (Bank Indonesia) East Kalimantan, what percentage of economic growth in the first quarter, what percentage in the second quarter. This means that development has an impact on the surrounding area. Lastly, as far as I know, it is above 7 percent," Jokowi told reporters at the IKN Presidential Palace, East Kalimantan, Monday.

The President said that IKN is still in the process of being worked on.

President Widodo said the development at IKN was a big job carried out in accordance with existing planning, without rushing.

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