JAKARTA - The Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) revealed that the global economic condition is currently shaky. Bakan, he said, already 95 countries have become 'patients' of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

"We know that the global economy is still in an alarming condition, there are even 95 countries that have now become IMF patients," Bahlil said at the Investment Realization Press Conference in Quarter II and Semester I 2024, at the Ministry of Investment office, Jakarta, Monday, July 28.

Even though the economic condition is not fine, Bahlil is grateful that foreign investors still believe in investing in Indonesia. This can be seen from the flow of foreign investment into Indonesia which recorded a positive contribution.

In the second quarter of 2024, continued Bahlil, foreign investment (PMA) reached IDR 217.3 trillion or 50.7 percent of the total incoming investment of IDR 428.4 trillion. This figure is up 6.3 percent from the previous quarter and up 16.6 percent from the second quarter of 2023.

"Behind the global economic dissipation, we remain grateful, that the public, globally still trusts our country as one of the goals of an investment country," he explained.

Previously, it was reported that the Ministry of Investment/BKPM noted that the realization of investment in the second quarter of 2024 had reached IDR 428.4 trillion from the target set by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) of IDR 1,650 trillion.

Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia said the realization of this investment rose 6.7 percent from the previous quarter. Meanwhile, on an annual basis, it rose 22.7 percent compared to the second quarter of 2023.

"In order to maintain our economic growth above 5 percent, we must reach Rp1,650 trillion. If we look at the second quarter, the total incoming investment is Rp428.4 trillion," he said at a press conference, at the Ministry of Investment office, Jakarta, Monday, July 29.

With the realization of this investment, the Ministry of Investment noted that as many as 677,623 workers had been absorbed during the second quarter of 2024.

Referring to data from the Ministry of Investment, during that period the most disbursed was foreign investment (PMA) with a nominal value of IDR 217.3 trillion or 50.7 percent. This figure is up 6.3 percent from the previous quarter and up 16.6 percent from the second quarter of 2023.

Meanwhile, domestic investment (PMDN), continued Bahlil, reached IDR 211.1 trillion, an increase of 7.1 percent from the first quarter of 2024 and an increase of 29.1 percent on an annual basis. The portion of PMDN reached 49.3 percent.

"The composition between PMA and PMDN, the PMA is 50.7 percent, thank God it's still good and the PMDN is still 49.3 percent," he said.

Furthermore, Bahlil explained that the realization of investment in the second quarter of 2024 was mostly targeted at areas outside Java. The portion reaches 50.2 percent outside Java and 49.8 percent in Java.

In detail, investment outside Java reached IDR 215.2 trillion. This figure is up 7.1 percent from the previous quarter and an increase of 18.3 percent from the same period the previous year.

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