JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated 3 deputy ministers, namely Thomas Djiwandono as Deputy Minister of Finance, Sudaryono as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Yuliot as Deputy Minister of Investment.

Apindo Economic Policy Analyst Ajib Hamdani said the Ministry of Finance was a very highlighted position, because the fiscal policy that was facing challenges was quite complicated. Since the pandemic era, there has been reallocation and refocusing of funds which resulted in the journey of ministries not as early as ideal.

"This Scaring effect is still continuing, and even in 2025 the debt matures to reach Rp800 trillion, which makes the fiscal space narrower," he explained in his statement, Friday, July 19.

According to Ajib, coupled with the populist Prabowo Subianto program in the form of free nutritious meals requires a significant allocation to drain fiscals. Moreover, the narrative from the PDIP party was built so that the government could design policies with a fiscal deficit of 0 percent.

According to Ajib, the position of Deputy Minister of Finance filled by a Thomas Djowandono shows that Prabowo Subianto wants to mitigate all fiscal risks from an early age. Meanwhile, Thomas is a figure who is the general treasurer of the Gerindra Party, a position that is very closely related to fund management and finance.

"Although fiscal policies have different areas, Thomas Djiwandono's expertise and experience will be useful in accountable management," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture has a relatively special position, because Prabowo Subianto is very synonymous with agriculture with the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI).

Ajib said that the agrarian sector and the food sector in the future will be one of the central issues that will be the focus of food security and economic independence.

"More than 27 million households live from this agricultural sector. The new government must focus more on building a business ecosystem that provides the best added value for agrarian business actors," he said.

Meanwhile, according to Ajib Sudaryono, as a post filler for the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, he became an attractive figure, namely a young person who was synonymous with the micro economy and MSMEs, of course, attached to details and attached to the field.

"This is expected to strengthen the performance of the Ministry of Agriculture so that it is more focused on farmers and can quantitatively increase the Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) in an escalative manner," he said.

Ajjib conveyed that the Ministry of Investment was one of the highlighted ministries, including the position of Minister Bahlil Lahadalia who became the head of several task forces (task force), and was later even appointed as Chair of the Sugar and Bioethanol Swasembada Task Force.

"This number of positions shows the high level of trust from President Jokowi. But indeed this ministry still has a record, namely the quality of investment which tends to absorb less labor," he explained.

Meanwhile, in the last 4 years, investment achievement has always been overtargeted, even the 2024 target of 1,650 trillion is optimistic that it can be achieved. But this achievement is not accompanied by the quality of employment.

Furthermore, in 2023, 1.8 million workers were recorded, or the equivalent of 60 percent of the initial target of 3 million workers. The number of unemployed which reached 7 million people became the government's big homework.

Ajib assessed that the person who filled the post of Deputy Minister of Investment, namely Yuliot, who is a very experienced technocrat at the Ministry of Investment, and last served as Deputy for Control and Implementation of BKPM Capital.

"The strengthening of elements of technocrats at the Ministry of Investment shows that there are still many programs from within the ministry that require sustainability," he said.

Ajib conveyed that the economy is about belief. Markets must have confidence in how the transition of government and government programs can run well.

"The position of the deputy ministers is a form of President Joko Widodo's move and President-elect Prabowo Subianto for a smooth transition process," he explained.

Ajib added that Indonesia has great potential towards Indonesia Gold 2045, but is faced with quite complex economic challenges ahead of the transition to government.

"The business world always has hope and confidence that the Indonesian economy will remain stable and prospective," he said.

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