JAKARTA - In determining the choice of forex brokers, it is necessary to take the time and research various companies carefully. Moreover, there are still many cases of fraud (scam) investments that occur in Indonesia. The modes used vary, ranging from promises of big profits in a short time to the use of Ponzi schemes.

Therefore, investors need to be more vigilant and not easily tempted by unreasonable lure. One of the things that needs to be considered is having an official permit from BAPPEBTI (Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency), so that trading activities can be calmer and safer. So, how to choose the right BAPPEBTI forex broker?

Choosing the right and licensed forex brokers today is very easy, because of the ease of access to choice and information. One thing that can be done is by accessing the official BAPPEBTI website.

Untuk mengetahui broker yang berlisensi, Anda bisa mengakses website pialang berjangka di laman https://bappebti.go.id/pialang_berjangka>>>>>>, kemudian masukan nama broker forex yang ingin Anda ketahui legalitasnya.

There are many benefits by knowing the legality of the forex broker you use, some benefits that cannot be ignored, such as:

1. Fund Security: Brokers that have licenses from BAPPEBTI mean they have met various strict requirements set by regulators. This guarantees that the invested funds are safe and well managed.

2. Transparency: Licensed Brokers are required to provide regular reports to regulators. This ensures transparency in broker operations, so that investors can feel calmer and more confident.

3. Legal Protection: If there is a dispute between investors and brokers, regulators such as BAPPEBTI will help solve the problem. This provides additional protection for investors. So, make sure before trading, you first check on the official BAPPEBTI website.

Dupoin is a global forex broker who is committed to transparency, security, and professionalism in every transaction. In Indonesia, Dupoin has succeeded in obtaining an official permit from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI).

In addition, Dupoin is also registered as a member of the Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) and Indonesia Futures Clearing (KBI), which further strengthens its position in the futures trading industry. Not only operating in Indonesia, but also having branches operating globally.

Dupoin emphasized its seriousness in running business by maintaining high integrity and trust in clients. The professionalism standards applied by Dupoin provide assurance to customers that every transaction is carried out with full responsibility and in accordance with applicable regulations.

Not only regulated BAPPEBTI, but Dupoin has many advantages to provide the best service for clients.

1. Fund security

Dupoin has a good security system, as client funds are stored in separate accounts (segregated accounts) to protect your data and transactions.

2. Trading Account Variation

Dupoin has several types of trading accounts, such as standards, zero, even micro accounts, so clients can adjust to their respective risk profiles.

3. Affordable Capital

The availability of micro lots, allows clients to invest with small capital starting from IDR 500,000 while at the same time providing freedom to regulate trading strategies.

4. Instant Deposit and Withdrawal

The process of depositing and withdrawing the Dupoin application is instant, it only takes a matter of minutes.

5. Achievements

Dupoin has previously had a good rank as a broker with an A+++ value based on BAPPEBTI 2023 valuation.

6. Customer Support

Have customer service support service in 24 hours 5 days, so you don't have to worry if you experience problems with trading accounts.

7. Selection of Trading Instruments

Dupoin provides a choice of +70 trading instruments, ranging from stock, forex, metals, and futures.

Those are 7 benefits from Dupoin as a forex broker licensed by BAPPEBTI. Trading forex not only requires knowledge related to trading instruments, but also regulates risks and finances. With transparency, you are calmer and safer.

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