JAKARTA - Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP), the first integrated nickel industrial area in Indonesia, continues to be committed to improving the economic welfare of the people of North Maluku through various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. Since starting operations in 2018, IWIP has launched a number of initiatives that include education, health, socio-cultural, environmental, and economic development of local communities.

Based on the financial report of North Maluku Province in May 2024, the economic growth of North Maluku Province in the first quarter of 2024 reached 11.88 percent making it the province with the second-highest economic growth in Indonesia. This growth is driven by downstreaming of the processing and mining industry, especially nickel. In this case, IWIP plays an important role in increasing production and export of nickel downstream commodities, which has a direct impact on increasing mobility and consumption of the local community.

IWIP also plays an active role in supporting the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Central Halmahera and North Maluku. In the last 3.5 years, IWIP has implemented partnership and development programs with thousands of MSMEs in various sectors, with a contract value of more than IDR 2.2 trillion. For this contribution, the company received a certificate of appreciation from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM.

In addition, since operating in August 2018, IWIP has absorbed more than 75,000 local workers through direct recruitment and targeted 100,000 workers by 2027. As of June 2024, more than 47,000 workers have attended training in various fields such as welders, loaders, excavators, DT 10 balls, and trailers, which aim to improve the skills and competitiveness of local workers.

General Manager Sustainable Development IWIP Erry Kurniawan revealed that the company has contributed to efforts to improve the quality of life of the surrounding community, through various CSR programs that focus on the education, health, socio-cultural and environmental sectors, as well as the economic development of local communities.

In the education sector, IWIP provides facilities and infrastructure assistance to more than 25 schools and Islamic boarding schools. IWIP has also implemented a training program for fast countability and illiteracy in Central Halmahera. IWIP has also implemented the Weda Bay scholarship program for students at the vocational to postgraduate level, and also provided laboratory equipment for the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Engineering at Khairun University of Ternate, "said Erry, in a written statement, Thursday, July 18.

Currently, the company has collaborated with the government and the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) in carrying out overseas scholarship programs for Indonesian students.

Then in the health sector, IWIP provides 10 gas cylinders for puskesmas, builds 6 pavilions at the Weda Hospital, supports comparative studies of health workers abroad, and improves services and health facilities in Central and East Halmahera, including the provision of 3 ambulances and construction of the Inpatient Health Center.

Furthermore, Erry explained, in the socio-cultural and environmental sectors, IWIP plays an active role in contributing to the government and the local community. The company has provided financial assistance and infrastructure development to the Central Halmahera district government in order to improve clean water services. In addition, IWIP also provides social assistance to the elderly (elderly) and distributes sacrificial animals in 4 regencies and cities in North Maluku.

"Several programs have been implemented, including the provision of 5 units of three-wheeled motorcycles for garbage transportation, repair of roads and waterways in villages around industrial areas, as well as the construction of Water Intake and Water Treatment Plant (WTP) which supply 15,000 cubic meters of clean water per day. In addition, IWIP is active in environmental conservation through coral transplantation and mangrove rehabilitation, as well as planting 1 million mangroves, "explained Erry.

"Through these various CSR programs, IWIP shows our commitment to supporting sustainable development and improving the welfare of the people of North Maluku," concluded Erry.

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