JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has warned employees within the ministry not to get involved with online gambling. Because, if proven to be involved, there will be sanctions up to termination of employment (PHK).

The Ministry of Transportation has also issued Circular No. SE-MHB 3 of 2024 concerning Prevention and Control of Online Gambling and All Other forms of Gambling within the Ministry of Transportation.

This SE is addressed to Ministry of Transportation employees who include State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Indonesian National Army Soldiers or members of the Indonesian National Police assigned to the Ministry of Transportation and non-ASN government employees within the Ministry of Transportation, as well as cadets and students at universities within the Ministry of Transportation.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati said the SE was a follow-up to Presidential Decree Number 21 of 2024 concerning the Online Judi Eradication Task Force and aimed at strengthening employee integrity and professionalism.

Furthermore, Adita said that his party did not impose sanctions until the dismissal of Ministry of Transportation employees was proven to be involved in online gambling.

"For employees, they can be subject to disciplinary penalties to termination of employment in accordance with PP Number 94 of 2021 concerning Employee Discipline and Government Regulation Number 49 of 2018 concerning Government Employee Management with Work Agreements," he said in an official statement, Thursday, July 18.

Meanwhile, continued Adita, non-public government employees are subject to sanctions in accordance with their work agreement, while cadets and school students at the Ministry of Transportation are subject to sanctions up to dismissal in accordance with the provisions in the parenting pattern.

Adita also said that online gambling behavior and all other forms of gambling could have an impact on the decline in the dignity, dignity, image, trust, and good name of the Ministry of Transportation.

"For this reason, a conducive work environment is needed and avoids online gambling and all other forms of gambling, which can lead to a decrease in work productivity and disruption of the public service process to the public," he said.

In the SE, continued Adita, Middle High Leadership Officials, Primary High Leadership Officials, Heads of Technical Implementation Units, and Higher Education Leaders were asked to prioritize prevention of online gambling and all other forms of gambling in their respective work units.

The prevention process can be carried out by making a written ban, closing access to gambling accounts, directly reprimanding gambling actors and socializing the risks and impacts of online gambling as well as other forms of gambling.

"Then the response process is carried out with counseling and sanctions for online gamblers and other gambling actors in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.

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