JAKARTA - PT BRI Investment Management (BRI-MI) through two mutual market products has recorded better performance than the average industry as of June 2024. The two mutual fund products are BRI Gapsteps Pasar Uang and BRI Seruni Pasar Uang Syariah.

"Both products are right for investors who have conservative risk profiles and require high liquidity," said BRI-MI Tina Meilina's President Director quoting Antara.

He said that mutual money market funds are an alternative choice of investment for the short term because they provide a positive and stable rate of return, even in the midst of high market interest rates and volatility.

According to him, the current wait and see attitude of investors in guessing the clarity of the interest rate direction is a good opportunity to collect money market funds

"That's because money market instruments can be a relatively stable and liquid investment alternative, while waiting for a clearer interest rate," said Tina.

Based on Infovesta's research, information provider technology companies related to investment, from the beginning of the year to June 2024, BRI Gamasteps Pasar Uang and BRI Seruni Pasar Uang Syariah recorded yields of 2.98 percent year-to-date (ytd) and 2.69 percent YTD, respectively.

Meanwhile, the average yield from the mutual market fund index is 2.26 percent ytd as of June 2024.

The money market asset index is also better than the fixed income fund mutual index which has a yield of around 0.85 percent ytd. Meanwhile, the mixed fund mutual index corrected 2.84 percent ytd and mutual stock funds corrected 9.86 percent ytd.

Thanks to the positive performance of the two mutual fund products, BRI-MI also received international awards at the 15th Annual Fund Management Awards 2024 event in Singapore, Tuesday (9/7), as Best Asset Manager for the Money Market Fund category.

Tina said that this award was a positive achievement for the company, especially because it was given by a leading international institution, namely Alpha Southeast Asia, a media that focuses on investment issues in the Southeast Asia region.

"This award is a motivation for BRI-MI to continue to grow investor confidence and improve the quality of mutual fund management, especially mutual money market funds, and of course develop mutual fund products that are more innovative and provide optimal returns," added Tina.

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