JAKARTA - Commission VII of the DPR RI proposed a 3 kg LPG subsidy to be transferred from subsidies to commodities to direct subsidies in the form of cash to eligible communities.
Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Eddy Soeparno explained, since January 1, 2024, the government and Pertamina as business entities have implemented customer NIK records when they are going to buy 3 kg LPG. Later, the NIK will be presented with Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) so that the government can obtain data on people who have the right to consume the melon gas.
Eddy said, so far the volume of 3 kg LPG usage has continued to increase from year to year. For example, in 2024 it is estimated at 8.02 million tons, while by 2025 it is estimated that it will reach 8.17 million tons.
For this reason, he said, the government is providing a new scheme for the distribution of 3 kg LPG which was previously commodity-based into closed distributions individually. With this scheme, he hopes that there will be a decrease in the volume of 3 kg LPG distribution.
"We estimate that 2026 can be started by providing subsidies by transferring to the people who have the right to buy 3 kg LPG immediately," said Eddy in the Energy Corner program, Tuesday, July 9.
Furthermore, Eddy explained, approximately 95 percent of the people who are included in the DTKS already have a bank account that is connected to Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), while the remaining 3 percent who do not have an account will be visited directly by officers who will submit subsidy funds.
"There are 3 percent of the community who have not been reached and that will be visited by officers to be given in cash. We hope that with a wide range and can already be monitored how the distribution pattern of the community will receive cash through transfers and a small part through cash," explained Eddy.
Eddy also said that his party had carried out calculations, namely that each household in a month would consume approximately 3 LPG gas cylinders so that a subsidy of Rp. 33,000 per cylinder would be transferred to the rightful recipient.
"Rp33,000 x 3 cylinders are approximately Rp99,000. That will be transferred to the recipient every month," concluded Eddy.
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