JAKARTA - President Director of BUMN Holding Danareksa Yadi Jaya Ruchandi revealed that 14 BUMN patients of PT Asset Management Company (PPA) who fail to be healthy after restructuring will be submitted to the Ministry of SOEs for further recommendations.

The 14 SOEs that are Titip Kelola are PT Amarta Karya (Persero), PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero), PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero), and PT Dok and Shipship Kodja Bahari (Persero), and PT Doc and Surabaya Shipship (Persero).

Then, PT Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero), PT Indah Karya (Persero), PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero), PT Semen Kupang (Persero), and PT Entrepreneurs of the Batam Island Industrial Region (Persero), Perum Percetakan Negara Republik Indonesia (PNRI), PT Primissima (Persero), and PT Varuna Tirta Prakasya (Persero).

Yadi added, SOEs that already have a sustainable business model and show improvement in stable financial conditions will be relayed to the BUMN Holding Danareksa for scale-up or upgrade so that it is expected to become a significant BUMN.

"Meanwhile, for SOEs that cannot carry out the mandate of the establishment of SOEs after restructuring efforts are made, it will be recommended to the Ministry of SOEs to obtain further policies," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, July 9.

Meanwhile, PPA Investment Director Ridha Farid Lesmana said, so far PPA is trying to solve a number of problems faced, namely, stabilizing financial conditions in SOEs which are in the PKPU process, solving legal problems and governance, determining sustainable business models, strengthening organizations and human resources, and operational efficiency.

Ridha emphasized that his party is committed to completing the mandate of a Special Power of Attorney (SKK) from the Minister of SOEs to restructure 14 of the 21 SOEs that Entrust Management.

"In carrying out the SKK mandate, PPA has conducted a comprehensive study to determine the roadmap for handling each BUMN Titip Kelola by prioritizing good governance," he explained.

He said the restructuring was carried out thoroughly by prioritizing measurable risk management and good governance with the aim of getting the right business model, so that it is hoped that it can stabilize the financial condition of BUMN Titip Kelola.

"This step is followed up by handling SOEs in accordance with the roadmap that has been discussed and approved by the Ministry of SOEs as the mandate provider," he continued.

For information, currently there are five SOEs that are implementing the PKPU homologation decisions, namely PT Dok and Shipship Kodja Bahari (Persero), PT Industri Telekomunikasi (Persero), PT Dok and Surabaya Shipship (Persero), PT Amarta Karya (Persero), and PT Barata Indonesia (Persero).

In addition, continued Ridha, there are two SOEs that are currently in the PKPU process, namely PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero) and PT Indah Karya (Persero).

"We hope that support from all parties so that the restructuring program that is being implemented can be carried out in accordance with the roadmap that has been prepared," concluded Ridha.

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