JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) has ensured that the highest retail price (HET) of Manya Kita will increase and new regulations will be issued in the near future.

Director of Basic Necessities and Important Goods of the Ministry of Trade Bambang Wisnubroto said that the increase in HeT Minya Kita had been discussed eight times with ministries, related institutions and business actors.

"The increase in HET has indeed been fixed, eight discussion studies have been carried out with ministries and institutions, public hearings have also been carried out," said Bambang as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 8.

Bambang continued, the draft regulations related to HET have now been formulated for further harmonization.

"Currently we are in the process of waiting for a harmonization proposal at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. So soon a new regulation will be issued regarding the HET of cooking oil," he said.

Bambang said that in the new regulation, the government will no longer require producers to do domestic market obligation (DMO) for bulk oil.

According to Bambang, the DMO obligation will only apply to the Minya Kita program. Therefore, the Ministry of Trade asked regional authorities to check and inspect to anticipate speculation that prevents the sale of cooking oil.

"We ask that we carry out inspections to the market to anticipate speculation that is holding back the sale of cooking oil, especially Minya Kita while waiting for regulations to be issued," said Bambang.

It is known, the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said that his party proposed relaxing the highest retail price (HET) of people's cooking oil or Minya Kita to increase to Rp15,700 per liter.

The Trade Minister said that his party was waiting for the revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) regarding the increase in HeT Minya Kita by Rp. 1,700 from the previous price of Rp. 14,000 per liter.

"Yes, we are waiting for the Permendag, while I ask the Director General of the Ministry of Trade to relax the price of Rp. 15,700 per liter," said the Trade Minister.

According to him, the price increase is likely to increase in the not too distant future, after the results of the Permendag proposed by his party are completed.

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