JAKARTA - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Socialization of the Job Creation Law (Task Force for the Job Creation Law) socializes the ease of business licensing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Deputy Chair III of the Job Creation Law Task Force Raden Pardede said that various strategic steps were continuously being studied and carried out in order to accelerate the transformation of the business licensing bureaucracy which is expected to increase the productivity and contribution of the business sector to the national economy, create new jobs, and strengthen Indonesia's economic structure as a whole.

"We have the goal of becoming a prosperous country that has a high per capita income of above 25.000 US dollars, in Indonesia Emas 2045, thus requiring extraordinary efforts to get out of the middle income trap," said Raden quoting Antara.

One of the things that is perfected is all matters related to business licensing so that it is easier, faster, and more certain, that is the philosophy of the Job Creation Law. One of the things that is refined is all matters related to business licensing so that it is easier, faster, and more certain, that is the philosophy of the Job Creation Law.

"However, in its implementation, of course there are still things that are not appropriate. The implementation of the Job Creation Law requires time, persistence that involves serving the community to be better," said Raden.

Ease in the business licensing bureaucracy in Indonesia is a strategic factor that will have an impact on strengthening public trust and investors, expanding markets, and increasing competitiveness, which is important for the growth and development of MSMEs so that they can increase their contribution to the national economy.

"Well, what is the method like? In order for the economy of a country to grow, it is necessary for MSMEs to rise to the level, so that they can absorb more labor and create new jobs," said Raden.

For information, the Job Creation Law Task Force held a workshop and coaching clinic with the theme "Easibility of Business Licensing as an Implementation of the Job Creation Law" in various regions in the country.

One of these workshops was held in Pontianak and attended by more than 250 female entrepreneurs gathered in the Women of the Muslim Cendekiawan Association throughout Indonesia, West Kalimantan Region. This activity aims to provide an understanding of the ease of business licensing, as well as assistance in the form of coaching clinics to obtain NIB, halal certificates and others directly (on the spot).

Chairman of the Working Creation Task Force's Substance Synergy Working Creation Task Force Tina Talisa conveyed her hopes in this workshop so that it can be utilized as well as possible, considering that there will also be coaching clinics (on the spot) for licensing processing with assistance from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, BPJPH, and the POM.

In the Job Creation Law, there is a cluster of ease of doing business. This ease of doing business is easily demonstrated in the process of making NIB (Business Identification Number). As for the benefits of NIB, Tina explained that business actors can get access to banks for capital, market access, and access to further training held by the government.

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