JAKARTA - The government absorbed IDR 7.18 trillion from the auction of seven series of State Sharia Securities (SBSN) on July 2, 2024.

In an official statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 2, the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed that the total incoming bids at this auction reached IDR 17.99 trillion.

The seven series being auctioned include SPNS20012025 (re-opening), SPNS01042025 (new nursery), PBS032 (re-opening), PBS030 (re-opening), PBSG001 (re-opening), PBS004 (re-opening), and PBS038 (re-opening). The auction is carried out through the Bank Indonesia (BI) auction system.

The largest absorption came from the PBS038 series which was won at IDR 4.15 trillion from an incoming offer of IDR 5.31 trillion. The weighted average yield won by this series was 7.18972 percent.

Next, the Government won Rp1.3 trillion in funds from the PBS032 series which received an incoming offer of Rp4.17 trillion, with a weighted average yield won at 6.99952 percent.

From the SPNS01042025 series, the Government absorbed Rp1.18 trillion from an incoming offer of Rp3.49 trillion. The weighted average yield won by this series was 6.92483 percent.

The government raised Rp300 billion in funds from the SPNS20012025 series, which received an incoming offer of Rp2.19 trillion with a weighted average yield won by 6.84333 percent.

From the PBS004 series, funds worth Rp150 billion were won from an incoming offer of Rp359 billion, with a weighted average yield won at 6.99054 percent.

The final absorption was the PBSG001 series which was won at Rp100 billion from an incoming offer of Rp1.3 trillion, with a weighted average yield won at 6.83286 percent.

The government decided not to absorb funds from the PBS030 series even though it received an incoming offer of Rp1.15 trillion.

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