JAKARTA - KAI Commuter recorded a volume of 489,017 Jabodetabek Commuter Line users in early July.
With the number of passengers of hundreds of thousands, a number of Jabodetabek Commuter Line stations were observed to be relatively busy and conducive.
KAI Commuter Corporate Secretary Anne Purba said it was observed that it was relatively crowded and conducive, especially at departure stations and destination stations in the morning.
"Especially at the Integration Station, Cikarang Station, and Rangkasbitung Station, it was also observed that it was busy conducive," he said in an official statement, Monday, July 1.
Anne said the volume of users who rose at the morning departure station such as Bogor Station was 43,163 people.
Meanwhile, at Citayam Station, there were 27,340 people and at Bekasi Station there were 26,528 people.
Meanwhile, the volume of users at the arrival station in the morning, such as Tanah Abang Station and Sudirman Station, which are located around the center of business and shopping area, each recorded 44,161 people and 30,798 people who disembarked at the station.
"Meanwhile, 21,653 passengers who disembarked at Palmerah Station and Gondangdia Station in the office area were recorded and 20,803 people, respectively," he explained.
Anne also said that it should be underlined that Cikarang Station is an integration station between the Jabodetabek Commuter Line, Commuter Line Walahar and Long Distance Trains.
"As of this afternoon at 14.00 WIB, the volume of Jabodetabek Commuter Line users who climbed from the station was 13,485 people, of which the volume of Commuter Line Walahar users was the Purwakarta/Cikampek-Cikarang connection at Cikarang Station was 2,398 people," he said.
At Cikarang Station, during June 2024 yesterday, the average volume of Jabodetabek Commuter Line users who rose on weekdays was 17,947 people per day and on holidays and weekends as many as 15,996 people per day.
Meanwhile, the volume of Commuter Line Walahar/Jatiluhur users who fell at Cikarang Station was 4,310 people on weekdays and 4,343 people on holidays and weekends.
"The Rangkasbitung Station which integrated the Jabodetabek Commuter Line with the Commuter Line Merak, until 14.00 WIB was recorded as 10,498 people using the Jabodetabek Commuter Line and the volume of Commuter Line Merak users was 2,065 people at the station," he said.
Meanwhile, Anne said at Rangkasbitung Station, during June 2024, the average volume of Jabodetabek Commuter Line users increased on weekdays by 11,783 people per day and on holidays and weekends as many as 10,405 people per day.
As for the volume of Commuter Line Merak users who fell at Rangkasbitung Station as many as 4,535 people on weekdays and 4,313 people on holidays and weekends.
"KAI Commuter also continues to urge users to always follow the directions of officers and be orderly in commutering by prioritizing users who will get out of the train. Always keep luggage and plan trips carefully, use the C-Access application to get schedule info, density at stations and train positions in real time," he said.
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