YOGYAKARTA The credit score is one indicator that describes the credit risk of a prospective debtor. So, how much is the credit score good?

The credit score is very important to know, especially for someone who wants to apply for credit credit, for example for Home Ownership Credit (KPR).

The better the credit score, the lower the risk it has. With low risk, the greater the chance to get bank credit.

The credit score is different, depending on the method used to check credit scores.

Debitors can see credit scores through the Financial Information System (SLIK) of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), IdScore, and FICO.

Summarized from various sources, Monday, July 1, 2024, the following is a good credit score according to the three credit information services above.

1. OJK Credit Score

Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan dari OJK yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat skor kredit adalah Idebku. Debitur yang ingin mengetahui skor kredit dapat mengakses laman https://idebku.ojk.go.id.

In this service, there is information regarding debtors, facilities for providing funds received by debtors, and other information.

This information is presented based on a debitor report received by OJK from the reporter through SILK.

The following are the details of credit scores on the Financial Information Service System OJK:

2. IdScore credit score

Another institution that provides information about credit scores is the Cefindo Credit Bureau (IdScore).

According to the official website, credit score data on IdScore comes from historical national credit data. The data consists of SLIK OJK and Non SLIK data from various credible data sources.

IdScore has a credit score range between 250-900 and the Very High Risk' to Very Low Risk categories.

The debtor's credit score is considered good if the figure is above 600.

3. FICO credit score

FICO is a credit assessment model developed by Fair Isaac Corporation.

The FICO credit score is calculated using various parts of credit data in credit reports. This data is classified in five categories, namely payment history (35 percent), amount of debt (30 percent), long credit history (15 percent), new credit (10 percent), and credit mix (10 percent).

The range of credit scores owned by FICO, among others:

That's the answer to the question of how good the credit score is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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