JAKARTA - PT Bank Maspion Indonesia Tbk, plans to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on April 8, 2021 in Surabaya. There are two agendas that will be discussed by Maspion Bank management and its shareholders.

Quoted from the disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website, Wednesday, March 17, which will be discussed in the RUSPLB are, first, the approval of the plan to increase capital by granting Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD) to shareholders which will be carried out by the company.

The Board of Directors of Maspion Bank plans to conduct PMHMETD to strengthen the capital structure in increasing the distribution of the amount of credit or loans, and other investments and to meet the minimum core capital requirements in accordance with POJK 12/2020.

The number of shares that will be issued by the bank owned by the Alim Markus conglomerate by means of the PMHMETD mechanism is a maximum of 2.28 billion shares. The shares to be issued under the PMHMETD mechanism are ordinary shares in the name with a nominal value per share equal to the nominal value per share of the company that has been issued, which is Rp100.

Then the second agenda, is the amendment and restatement of the company's articles of association to comply with applicable regulations, especially POJK 32.2015 in conjunction with POJK 14/2019, POJK 15/2020, POJK 16/2020 and KBLI 2017.

For information, Maspion Bank is pursuing a target related to the bank's core capital of IDR 3 trillion in order to comply with POJK 12/2020 regulations. by issuing new capital or rights issue.

With the rights issue mechanism, Maspion Bank will receive Rp725 billion in funds with an estimated due diligence and licensing process that will take around 4-5 months. That way, the realization of additional capital is projected in the third quarter of 2021.

Meanwhile, through the second phase of rights issue, Maspion Bank is estimated to receive IDR938.9 billion in 2022.

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