JAKARTA - The Jabodebek LRT operates 336 trips on weekdays or weekdays in July 2024. Meanwhile, for holidays or weekends, it only operates 260 trips.
The following is the schedule for the Jabodebek LRT departure on weekdays Monday to Friday, the first departure of the Jabodebek LRT from Jatimulya Station at 05.22 WIB and from Harjamukti Station at 05.30 WIB.
Meanwhile, for the final departure, the Jabodebek LRT from Dukuh Atas Station at 22:16 WIB for the final destination of Jatimulya Station and at 22.21 WIB for the final destination of Harjamukti Station.
Meanwhile, on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, the Jabodebek LRT's first departure schedule from Jatimulya Station at 05.25 WIB and from Harjamukti Station at 05.35 WIB. As well as for the final departure of the Jabodebek LRT from Dukuh Atas Station at 21:53 WIB for the final destination of Jatimulya Station and at 22.01 WIB for the final destination of Harjamukti Station.
Jabodebek LRT Public Relations Manager Mahendro Trang Bawono said that during the busy hours, waiting between trains was 5.5 minutes at the Cawang-Dukuh Atas crossing and 11 minutes at the Jati Mulya-Cawang and Harjamukti/Cawang crossings.
Mahendro also conveyed that the Jabodebek LRT applies a maximum tariff for users who carry out the tap-in and tap-out process at the same station in more than 60 minutes. Meanwhile, for less than 60 minutes the minimum rate is applied.
Furthermore, Mahendro said that for the time being the payment method could use KMT KAI Commuter and Banking Electronic Money Cards.
"This policy aims to encourage users to use the Jabodebek LRT efficiently and minimize potential abuse of facilities. Thus, users are expected to pay attention to the time it takes for their travel to avoid unnecessary additional costs," Mahendro said in Jakarta, Monday, July 1.
KAI noted that the Jabodebek LRT has served 1,736,940 users in the period 1 to 30 June. The average daily user in that period on weekdays (Monday and Friday) is 72,104 users, while the average is on Saturdays, Sundays, and the June national holiday reaches 36,589 users.
"LRT Jabodebek strives to maintain the best service standards by increasing its travel frequency and operational efficiency. The Jabodebek LRT is committed to continuing to provide optimal travel experience for all users," concluded Mahendro.
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