JAKARTA - Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) BUMN Holding Insurance, Guarantee and Investment made a working visit in order to socialize IFG's strategic role as a BUMN holding to all representatives of branch leaders, regions and representatives of employees of the IFG affiliated branch office in the Bandung area, West Java which was carried out on June 21-22, 2024.

"The socialization on this working visit is a routine IFG program as a holding that is currently entering the age of 4 years, and continues to encourage the spirit of forming a holding initiated by the government to be increasingly understood by all leaders and employees who are in the offices of the affiliated companies in various regions in Indonesia", explained Deputy President Director of IFG, Haru Koesmahargyo, in a written statement, Thursday, June 27.

Haru added that the formation of IFG holding cannot be separated from the government's commitment to providing transformation in the insurance industry in Indonesia. Several important and strategic factors that are being strengthened by IFG include strengthening business focus on products that are indeed core competency of each affiliated company to reduce unhealthy competition in business. Second, increasing more prudent and risk-based governance.

While the third, is the application of robust risk management by applying the principle of prudence in the effort to implement the four eyesciples mechanism. Fourth, increasing HR competence in the insurance sector and quality leadership skills. The fifth is strengthening collaboration in the holding ecosystem in order to generate cost efficiency.

"As a company engaged in insurance, guarantee and investment, strengthening governance and managing risk management is the main basis in building trust in the public, it is important and fundamental at this time," Haru said.

In addition, IFG Corporate Secretary Oktarina Dwidya Sistha also explained that during this working visit it was also conveyed that the Financial Services Authority (OJK) had issued regulations related to the supervision of PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) or the Indonesia Financial Group (IFG). Supervision of the IFG is contained in POJK Number 13/POJK.05/2022 concerning the Supervision of the Company (Persero) PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (BPUI).

"It is hoped that the affiliated companies will also understand well the implementation of POJK Number 13/POJK.05/2022, especially in implementing integrated governance," said Sistha.

This IFG working visit to the office of the affiliated company branch is an annual routine activity aimed at strengthening and fostering the spirit of collaboration and understanding of the formation of holdings for the ecosystem. This working visit was attended by IFG Deputy President Director Haru Koesmahargyo and accompanied by IFG Life Individual Business Director Fabiola Noralita and Senior Executive Vice President (SEVP) Transformation Office IFG Elfrida EL Tobing.

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