JAKARTA - Vaccination centers with BUMN are now able to provide COVID-19 vaccination for elderly residents or elderly people who are not KTP DKI Jakarta. As is known, this facility previously only served the elderly with capital city ID cards.

Special Staff to the Minister of BUMN Arya Sinulingga said that the vaccination center is in great demand by the elderly in the capital city and outside of Jakarta domicile. He claimed this was because the services provided were comfortable and made many elderly citizens who wanted to be vaccinated.

"Because of the great enthusiasm in the field, yesterday the Ministry of Health decided to provide space for the elderly outside Jakarta, namely Jabodetabek, to be vaccinated too," he said in a virtual discussion, Tuesday, March 16.

Arya said the elderly are the target of government vaccination in addition to public services. Because, this elderly group is not organized. So, they have to come individually. Therefore, the government has opened a vaccination center so that they can be vaccinated in an organized manner.

"This is due to the great enthusiasm of the elderly. It is possible that in a few days we will open it at the Tennis Indoor. Later, we will separate between vaccinations for public services and the elderly, who were separated from the lane, now we have separate buildings," he said.

How to register

In collaboration with Loket.com as a registration partner, starting today, seniors who have a Non DKI Jakarta KTP can register themselves through the online system. So that the vaccination process can be monitored effectively and efficiently.

The method is by visiting the https://loket.com/event/vaksinasicovid19untuklansia link. Then you can register immediately.

Arya said that with this online registration it is hoped that the congestion and crowds at the Joint BUMN Vaccination Center location can be drastically reduced.

Furthermore, Arya said special registration for the elderly through Loket.com which implements a one-time registration system to get one ticket. After filling out the online form, applicants will receive an e-voucher that provides information on the vaccination schedule and hours that must be adhered to.

"The elderly are required to bring e-voucher evidence so that they can be allowed to enter the Joint BUMN Vaccination Center area and must be present on time according to the schedule on the e-voucher. For those who come without registering or participants who come outside the schedule will not be served, "he said.

The head of the SOE Vaccination Center Task Force, the vaccination program at the Joint Vaccination Center is open every day from 08.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB, and will last until May.

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