JAKARTA - As support for the preparation of PON XXI 2024, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing work at the XXI Aceh-North Sumatra (North Sumatra) PON venue and support for road construction at the Main Stadium of North Sumatra Province which will be held in 2023-2024.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the construction and renovation support for the XXI PON was carried out at a state budget cost of Rp1.6 trillion. Then, there are four work packages for 18 venues and four work packages for the construction of the main stadium road for North Sumatra Province.

"The progress until June 10, 2024 is 54 percent and is targeted for completion in July 2024," said Basuki in a written statement, Saturday, June 22.

For the Main Stadium, North Sumatra is located in Sena Village, Batang Kuis District, Deli Serdang Regency. Basuki said the construction had been carried out since September 2023 at a cost of IDR 587 billion. Currently, the construction progress has reached 52.16 percent.

The construction work for the Main Stadium of North Sumatra was carried out by KSO PT Adhi Karya-PT PP-PT Penta as the implementing contractor and PT Jaya CM and PT Cirajasa KSO as the construction management.

This stadium is built on an area of 48,420 square meters with a building area of 27,452 square meters. This stadium consists of 3 floors and a tribune floor with a total capacity of 25,750 spectators. For VIP 365 units, media 224 units, regular 25,115 units and disabled 46 units.

In addition to the main stadium, the support provided by the Ministry of PUPR is also in the form of road infrastructure through the construction of the Sport Center Road in North Sumatra Province at a cost of IDR 221.6 billion for 7.2 kilometers (km) and is targeted for completion in August 2024. This consists of a 2.1 km main road, a 1.1 km inner road and a parking lot as well as a 4 km stadium courtyard.

Meanwhile, the XXI PON Venue renovation and rebuilding work in Banda Aceh City consists of 12 venues, namely Harapan Bangsa Stadium with 57.10 percent progress, H Dimurthala Stadium with 49.31 percent progress, Jasdam Tennis Field with a total progress of 44.94 percent and Polda Tennis Field with a progress of 36.49 percent.

Then, the SHB Complex Tennis Field with progress is 58.35 percent, Tennis Lambung Field with progress 55.73 percent, SHB Complex Budget Hall with progress of 66.32 percent and PABSI Building SHB Complex with progress reaching 71.49 percent.

Furthermore, the Aceh KONI GOR with a progress of 53.46 percent, Bale Meuseuraya Aceh whose progress is 100 percent, the USK Mini Stadium with a progress achievement of 63.24 percent and the Lambung Field with a progress of 58.23 percent.

Basuki said, in Aceh Province, construction and renovation of the Rowing Venue and Horse Racing in the Context of PON XXI in Aceh Province were also carried out. This renovation consists of two venues, including Rowing in the Keuliling Indrapuri Reservoir whose progress is already 96.93 percent and Horse Racing at the Blang Bebangka Horse Racing with 52.66 percent progress.

"There are also additional benue rehabilitation and renovation work for PON in Aceh Province consisting of four venues, namely Tirta Raya Swimming Pool, Rindam Shooting Field, Pidie Roller Skates Arena and Blang Paseh Pidie Stadium," he added.

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