JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikristek) through Kedaireka continues to encourage innovation collaboration through strategic partnerships between the industrial world and universities. PT Astra International is one of the industries involved, especially in encouraging a green economy.

PMO Kedaireka Ecosystem 2024, Ruddy J Suhatril, emphasized that the green economy is a priority part of Indonesia's economic transformation. So that with the collaboration between industry and universities, it is hoped that it will provide wider benefits for the community.

This was conveyed by Ruddy at the CEO of the Mentorship program, which is a program of the Director General of Diktiristek Ekosistem Kedaireka in Jakarta, Thursday, June 20.

"The green economy solution implemented by Astra helps our climate in general and of course there are be beneficiaries of Astra's results," said Ruddy.

There are five priorities that are important themes in the Kedaireka matching fund program (matching fund) in the context of Indonesia's economic transformation. Namely, the Green Economy, Blue Economy, Digital Economy, Strengthening Tourism, and Independence of Welfare.

With this program, Ruddy encourages all industries involved in Kedaireka to increase cooperation with many universities. So that this effort is expected to expand in order to provide benefits to the community.

"For astra, we hope that the collaboration will be wider by involving more universities. So that the benefits are even greater for the community," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Environment of PT Astra International, Bondan Susilo, emphasized that his party has established a university, one of which is the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) related to social forestry in Indonesia.

By utilizing Kedaireka, said Bondan, Astra has undergone various programs. Starting from Sejahtera Astra Village and Productive Carbon Forest with a total of more than 2020-2024 reaching IDR 5 billion.

"The matching fund value is more than Rp. 5 billion, specifically related to carbon forests and registered Kedaireka, which reaches around Rp. 2 billion," said Bondan.

According to Bondan, through Astra's social forestry, it has provided benefits to 10 thousand of the more than 100 participating villages. Then Astra has also planted 800 thousand trees and can reduce 400 thousand tons of CO2.

From this achievement, Bondan emphasized that he has provided economic value to the community through social forestry programs

"We measure the economic value of downstream products from agriculture that have reached Rp. 10 billion, which is felt by the community. Through various programs. Among them through coffee, duren, cocoa and so on," said Bondan.

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