JAKARTA - The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) will hold a Green Economy Expo 2024 for the first time with the theme "Advancing Technology, Innovation, and Circularity" at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on July 3-5, 2024.

"We want to really succeed in the Green Economy Expo so that we don't only have echoes, but really everyone realizes that there is one sector that we can develop, a new reference sector with the name circular economy (circular economy) which in the future could have the potential to encourage green economic growth," said Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Vivi Yulawati in Media Lunch: Road to Green Economy Expo in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday 19 June.

The Green Economy Expo is a technology development enabler forum, innovation, and a circular economic ecosystem to bridge the government with non-government parties to find solutions for the implementation of a green economy and achieve the zero-carbon emission target (net zero emissions).

The existence of these activities is expected to be a catalyst for collaboration between various stakeholders, including industry, government, academics, and society, in order to find innovative solutions as well as encourage a green economy together.

This event is also to showcase the latest innovations in green technology and a circular economy, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and accelerate technology adoption in order to provide economic benefits and a wide environment.

Mereka (perusahaan) ingin juga menampilkan berbagai inovasi dan juga teknologi yang mereka sudah berupayakan selama ini, dan tampaknya belum terdengar. Bukan ingin greenwashing (model praktik tembing pemasaran melalui pencitraan paling dari pemerasan hijau), tetapi justru mau menunjukkan contoh-mota baik ini. Jadi InsyaAllah kita bisa menampilkan contoh-sampuan terbaik dari masing-masing sektor untuk ekonomi sirular, kata Vivi.

In addition, the Green Economy Expo platform is also to overcome bottleneck regulations, NSPK (Norma, Standards, Procedures, and Criteria), and funding by bringing together stakeholders and encouraging dialogue to find common solutions.

The exhibition consisted of several activities that included the launch of Roadmap documents and the Indonesian Circuit Economic Action Plan and the Roadmap for Sustainable Reduction and Food Remaining (Food Loss and Waste), then the signing of the Workplan for Indonesian-Denmark Cooperation on Susut and Food Results and Technical Cooperation Technical and Vocal Education and Training (TVET) with the Ministry of Industry.

Then also held a Green Technology/Innovation exhibition involving more than 100 start-up booths, 8 Circular Talk (talkshow) for three days, as well as three business pitching & matching sessions that brought together more than 10 businesses with potential investors, incubators, and regulators. In the last session, it was said that one-on-one business meetings were also provided with potential investors.

"So hopefully, if we already understand there is technology, of course we want investors, there is business matching which will then also increase the scale, industry or their business," he said.

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