JAKARTA - The people's housing savings program (Tapera) continues to reap various responses from various communities due to the mandatory discount rule of 2.5 percent of salaries for both private and civil servants and 0.5 percent for companies.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani emphasized that the State Budget (APBN) has allocated a budget from 2015 to 2024 of IDR 228.9 trillion for the people's housing program.

"APBN has been present for public housing, especially low-income people (MBR), that's what we want to achieve. We will use the APBN. So the total presence of the APBN to help the housing sector, especially MBR from 2015 to 2024, is already Rp. 228.9 trillion," he said in a meeting with Committee IV of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) RI, Tuesday, June 11.

Sri Mulyani emphasized that her party understands the burden of society so that it is committed to continuing to reduce people's suffering in various ways through the state budget.

"So I emphasize, we understand the burden on the community and use the state budget. We also want to reduce the burden on the community through various ways," he explained.

Sri Mulyani said that the budget for public housing was allocated to several services, such as down payment subsidies, interest rates subsidies, to Housing Financing Liquidity Facilities (FLPP).

Sri Mulyani said that the government had given FLPP to MBR through the APBN of Rp. 105 trillion. "If the housing was more than Rp. 228 trillion, which has been included and now FLPP funds have more than Rp. 105 trillion, which has turned it into Rp. 167 trillion for MBR," he said.

According to Sri Mulyani, this step was taken so that banks could provide cheap credit installments to MBR.

Sri Mulyani detailed that in 2015 the budget to help MBR own a house was IDR 13.3 trillion, in 2016 IDR 15.52 trillion, in 2017 IDR 18 trillion and 2019 IDR 18.81 trillion.

Furthermore, in 2020 the budget allocation for the program is IDR 24.19 trillion, in 2021 it will be IDR 28.95 trillion, in 2022 it will be IDR 34.15 trillion, for 2023 it will be IDR 31.88 trillion and in the 2024 APBN it will be allocated IDR 28.25 trillion.

"In 2024, in the APBN there is IDR 28.85 trillion. It is very large even when compared to the 3 percent earlier, as stated by Mrs. Casytha, according to their estimation, they will collect up to IDR 50 trillion for the next 10 years if implemented. The state budget is actually already present and this fund is not lost," he said.

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