PT Pertamina Patra Niaga ensures that the energy needs of the people in South Sumatra ahead of Eid al-Adha 1445/2024 are met.

"Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagsel ensures that the distribution and stock of fuel oil (BBM) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (elpiji) in South Sumatra are in a safe condition ahead of Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijrah," said Area Manager Communication, Relations, & CSR Pertamina Region of South Sumatra Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 11.

He said Pertamina continues to ensure that the stock is safe and the distribution runs optimally to meet the needs of the people of South Sumatra.

"In order to deal with the surge in demand for fuel and LPG, we continue to monitor conditions in the field and prepare projections for community needs. If it is still needed, the distribution of fuel and LPG will continue to be added according to needs, for subsidies and assignments, of course, it will be adjusted to the predetermined quota," he said.

He explained that the average daily consumption of Biosolar fuel in the South Sumatra region is around 1,568 kiloliters (KL) per day and the type of Pertalite is around 2,156 kl per day, while for LPG there are 770 Metric Tons (MT) per day.

His party continues to coordinate with the Government and Law Enforcement Officials to continue to monitor the distribution of subsidized fuel and LPG so that it is distributed on target.

To ensure that the distribution of subsidized LPG to the public is entitled, the purchase of 3 kilograms of LPG (kg) can only be made by registered users.

"The public is expected to be able to immediately register and match the NIK Identity Card (KTP) data, and the Family Card (KK) to the nearest LPG base to be able to access subsidized LPG at the official Base which is guaranteed price and quality," he explained.

Pertamina also invites the public to always use subsidized 3 kg LPG according to its designation, namely the welfare community, micro businesses and target fishermen.

In addition, it can use non-subsidized products currently available in Bright Gas packaging.

If the public needs information about the product, they can contact the Pertamina Call Center 135.

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