Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said the indicative ceiling of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) for the 2025 fiscal year was IDR 937.1 billion.

This was conveyed by Minister Teten in a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Monday, June 10.

"Based on a joint circular with the proposed amendment to the letter from the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas and the Minister of Finance regarding the indicative ceiling of ministry/institutional expenditures and special allocation funds for the 2025 fiscal year, that the indicative ceiling in 2025 of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is IDR 937.1 billion," he said.

Teten said the budget had decreased significantly when compared to the previous year's ceiling.

"The indicative ceiling decreased by 37.44 percent when compared to the 2024 budget allocation of IDR 1.49 trillion," he said.

Kemenkop UKM pun, kata Teten, mengusulkan adanya per pagu per program, yaitu program untuk dukungan manajemen yang semula sebesar Rp330,6 miliar menjadi sebesar Rp388,2 miliar.

"And the MSME and Cooperative Entrepreneurship program which was originally IDR 606.5 billion to IDR 548.9 billion," he said.

It is known, the distribution of ceilings per organizational unit includes the allocation of the Deputy for Cooperatives of Rp68.5 billion. Then, for the Deputy for Micro Enterprises amounting to Rp67.3 billion.

Next, the Deputy for SMEs is IDR 61.4 billion. The budget allocation for the Deputy for Entrepreneurship is IDR 68.3 billion.

Then, for the Ministry Secretariat with a total budget of IDR 317.6 billion. Teten said the budget would be allocated for salary expenditures, employee allowances, operational services for the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, planning documents and HR planning and organizations.

Furthermore, for publication support and aspiration networks, cooperation services and regulatory mapping, communication services, information and technology as well as internal supervision.

"For LPDB, which in total comes from PNBP with a total budget of Rp226 billion, it will be allocated to support facilitation for the distribution of revolving funds and facilitation of entrepreneurial incubators," he said.

Then, LLP with a total budget of IDR 55 billion, will be allocated for the implementation of the trading house and center of excellence facilitation program as well as Smesco as an integrated startup hub.

"Then, Deconcentration with a total budget of Rp. 69.3 billion to support coordination meetings, facilitation of pavilions throughout the province and facilitation of cooperative assistants in 36 provinces. Then, Dekopin with a total budget of Rp. 3 billion," he added.

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