JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Land Transportation found that as many as 37 units of tourism buses were inspected not to be roadworthy or did not meet administrative completeness and technical requirements.

The findings were obtained after conducting impromptu inspections or inspections of tourism buses in the DKI Jakarta and Bogor areas last weekend.

Director General of Land Transportation, Risyapudin Nursin, said that of the 160 units of buses inspected, 123 units of buses were roadworthy while 37 buses were not roadworthy.

"We found that in the field there were still buses operating without a Supervision Card (KP) and there were also KPs but they were no longer valid. And there are still those who have not carried out the extension of the KIR Test. This must be a concern," said Director General Risyapudin in an official statement, Monday, June 10.

Furthermore, Risyapudin said, several buses in the field were forced to make changes to the fleet because they did not meet the aspect of roadworthiness and also could not show official documents including buses from PO.

Ros Trans Sukabumi, PO. Prima Raya Serang, PO. Armada Jaya Perkasa Serang, PO. Main Wanel Trans Jakarta Utara, and PO. Dewi Sinta Bandung.

"Moreover, there are still bus POs that falsify Evidence of Passing Electronic Tests (BLU-e) and Supervision Cards (KP). We have data on 3 buses that have done this and have been enforced by law," he explained.

In the future, he hopes that more buses will comply with the applicable terms and policies for tourism transportation and there will be no more buses that are no longer roadworthy operating and transporting passengers because this is very risky.

"We are also not tired of reminding all service users to be more careful in choosing tourism buses. Previously, we were able to check the feasibility of buses on the Mitra Darat application or partner land.dephub.go.id," he added.

He emphasized that the supervision and enforcement of tourism transportation laws will continue to be carried out by the Directorate General of Land Transportation in collaboration with the police, the District/City Transportation Service and the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ). In particular, other regions throughout Indonesia are carried out by the Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD) in accordance with their authority.

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