JAKARTA - Technology-based banks (tech-based banks) embedded in Indonesia's digital ecosystem, PT Bank Jago Tbk sees the importance of the younger generation to understand good financial and investment management from an early age. Along with the development of digital technology, financial and investment management can be done easily through digital applications.

"Currently, more and more digital financial applications make it easier for the younger generation to manage finances. One of them is using the Jago Application with the Pockets feature in it," said Head of Transaction Services of PT Bank Jago Tbk Widiarto Proboprasetyo in a public lecture entitled Go Investment Since Youth, Can't You? at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Thursday 6 June.

Bank Jago developed the Jago App (Jago App) which is designed to be embedded in various digital ecosystems, and can be adjusted (customized) and personalized (personalized) with the needs of each customer, especially in financial and investment management. This ability to be embedded in a digital ecosystem or application is manifested in integration with the online mutual fund sales platform application, namely Bibit.

Bank Jago realizes the importance of building positive and productive financial habits through investment. For this reason, Jago App also provides a Bag feature that can be connected to Bibit Applications that make it easier for anyone to invest, "explained Widiarto.

The collaboration between Bank Jago and Bibit allows customers to invest and manage finances safely, easily, quickly, and seamlessly through superior features such as Jago Autodebit for the purchase of mutual fund products on a scheduled basis, instant reemption to disburse mutual funds in seconds, a feature to view investment portfolio information, as well as the addition feature (top-up) of investment funds without moving applications.

On the same occasion, PT Bibit Growing Together (Bibit.id) PR & Corporate Communication Lead, William, added that everyone has the right to a better financial future through the right investment in the capital market. According to William, as the leading digital investment application in Indonesia, Bibit sees partnership with Bank Jago as something strategic in providing easy, safe, and seamless investment services for millions of retail investors in more than 500 cities in Indonesia.

The collaboration with Bank Jago comes through a variety of innovative features in the Bibit and Jago Applications which make it easier for users to invest safely, easily, quickly, and of course seamless. For almost three years, our collaboration has helped many Indonesians in compiling, being disciplined, and achieving their financial goals, "explained William.

William melanjutkan bahwa secara teknis, Aplikasi Jago dan Bibit banyak digunakan nasabah untuk perencanaan keuangan masa depan, yakni dengan membuat Kantong untuk dana darurat (emergency fund) dan dana pensiun.

As many as 50 percent of customers who save emergency funds choose mutual fund products that have the instant disbursement option (Instant Redemption) because it can help regulate cash flow more flexibly. This instant disbursement option allows mutual fund disbursement in seconds, it can even be done on weekends and holidays, so as to get enthusiastic responses from customers.

Until March 2024, Bank Jago served more than 11.1 million customers, including 9 million funding customers using the Jago Application. The number of users of the Jago Application increased by 3.6 million customers compared to the achievement in the first quarter of 2023 which reached 7.5 million customers.

Of the total customers, almost 2 million Jago Application users use investment features that are directly connected to the Bibit Application.

"In the future, Bibit will continue to deepen the collaboration that has been established with Jago and add innovative features so that the investment experience will be easier and more enjoyable," concluded William.

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