JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that the realization of the Ministry of PUPR's budget until May 31, 2024, reached IDR 34.81 trillion. The budget allocation of the Ministry of PUPR this year is IDR 157.73 trillion.
Basuki said that the initial ceiling of the Ministry of PUPR this year was IDR 147.37 trillion and increased by IDR 10.35 trillion. Thus, the ceiling becomes IDR 157.73 trillion.
"In the 2024 budget evaluation, the realization of the budget as of May 31 was IDR 34.81 trillion or 22.1 percent of the total budget with a physical progress of IDR 28.2 percent," Basuki said at a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission V DPR RI at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Thursday, June 6.
He said the physical progress was higher than the same period in 2023. "This progress is 4.5 percent higher than the realization of the 2023 budget of 17.6 percent in the same month," he said.
In addition, Basuki also reported on the progress of project auctions in his ministry until May 31, 2024. First, 2,516 packages with a ceiling of IDR 107 trillion or 95 percent of the total contractual activity of IDR 111.63 trillion.
"CLUDING the new selection tender package, both single years contract and multi years contract as many as 1,183 packages with a ceiling of Rp. 14.5 trillion and continuing the contracted cross-year package in the previous fiscal year of 1,333 packages with a ceiling of Rp92.42 trillion," he said.
Meanwhile, the progress of the auction, which has not been contracted, is 647 packages with a ceiling of IDR 4.63 trillion. "Or 4.1 percent of the total contractual activities we mentioned earlier, IDR 111.63 trillion," he added.
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