JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR Hendrik Halomoan Sitompul said there was a need for an integrity pact between Pertamina and entrepreneurs so that they could prevent and take firm action in the event of fraud.

"Pertamina Patra Niaga calls all these entrepreneurs to be able to make an integrity pact and make supervision attached to these entrepreneurs, if it is important if there are entrepreneurs who do that (currency) immediately change players," said Hendrik in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, June 3.

He made this statement regarding the findings of a number of Elpiji Bulk Filling Stations (SPBE) which were allegedly committing fraud.

Hendrik said that fraud could occur due to the bad behavior of the entrepreneur himself.

No matter how good the surveillance system built by Pertamina, he said, rogue entrepreneurs will continue to find loopholes to cheat for profit.

"Whatever Pertamina builds in the system, whether it's technology or inherent supervision, but when the entrepreneur has that attitude to be naughty or fraudulent, he just cheats," he said.

Hendrik reiterated that Pertamina could take firm action to stop permits for rogue entrepreneurs who were caught red-handed committing fraud.

However, Hendrik also reminded Pertamina to immediately look for a replacement company so that the distribution flow of 3 kg LPG for the community does not stall.

"I agree if there are more findings from these people, if the permit can be revoked and replaced by players. If possible, take over first with Pertamina so that the distribution remains consistent and people continue to enjoy 3 kg of gas," said Hendrik.

Previously, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan found that the LPG 3 kg gas volume was not appropriate. The findings indicate an alleged reduction of 200-700 grams.

Zulhas revealed that his party found that there were 11 SPBBEs whose 3 kg gas was less heavy. The 11 points are spread across Jakarta, Tangerang, to Bandung.

"It turned out that after we checked, the public or consumers should have received, bought with 3 kg of gas, after checking the average content between the lack of 200-700 grams. So the contents average 2,800 to 2,200 grams, which should be 3,000 grams, right, if it's 3 kg, it's 3,000," he told reporters at SPBE Patra Trading SPPBE Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Saturday, May 25.

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