The Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has imposed an international Koda for the safety of ships carrying industrial personnel or the International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel Code (IP Code).

"This provision will take effect on July 1, 2024. This decision is stated in the Decree of the Director General of Sea Transportation Number: KP - DJPL 327 of 2024," said Director General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Antoni Arif Priadi in a statement quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Sunday.

Antoni said the decision was taken taking into account the importance of regulating the fulfillment of safety requirements for Indonesian-flagged vessels carrying out the transportation and transfer of industrial personnel.

In particular, said Antoni, for offshore industrial activities, and the adoption of international provisions related to security standards for ships carrying industrial personnel, in accordance with the IMO resolution of MSC.527(106) on the IP Code.

"In the context of regulating the fulfillment of the safety requirements of Indonesian-flagged vessels that carry out safe transportation and transfer of safe industrial personnel, especially for the purposes of offshore industrial activities carried out on other ships and/or in offshore facilities," he said.

This decision, said Antoni, is also based on various national and international laws and regulations, including Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping.

Then Government Regulation Number 51 of 2002 concerning Shipships, as well as Presidential Decree and Presidential Regulations which ratify various international protocols related to safety at sea.

Furthermore, Antoni explained, the IP Code will apply to Indonesian-flagged vessels operating in Indonesian and international waters provided that ships with tonnage500 or more Goross carrying more than 12 industrial personnel must comply with the provisions of the IP Code.

"And ships with tonnaged goross under 500 carrying more than 12 industrial personnel can follow the provisions of the IP Code," he said.

Ships that have fulfilled the IP Code will be given an industry personnel safety certificate (Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate). This certificate will apply in accordance with the validity period of the ship's safety certificate.

Antoni explained that industrial personnel will also become a new chapter in the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) convention, which is to become Chapter 15, namely safety measures for shipping industry personnel.

"SOLAS is an international shipping safety agreement from the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) that sets standards for ship and soul safety at sea," said Antoni.

Meanwhile, the guidance and supervision of the fulfillment of the IP Code requirements will be carried out by the Ship Safety Inspection Officer (PPKK).

"The Director of Shipships and Maritime Affairs will also provide technical guidance and supervision over the implementation of this decision," he explained.

This decision comes into effect from July 1, 2024. Ships that have been certified based on the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ship (SPS Code) can still operate until the expiration of the SPS certificate. If later on, adjustments are needed, added Antoni, improvements will be made as appropriate.

"With the implementation of the IP Code, it is hoped that Indonesian-flagged ships can meet higher international safety standards, thereby increasing the safety and security of industrial personnel working in offshore environments," said Antoni.

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