JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially launched Indonesia's Government Technology (GovTech) called INA Digital at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday 27 May. The launch was a government's breakthrough to accelerate digital transformation and public services that were solution and transparent.

President Jokowi emphasized that the ease and satisfaction of the community must be the main benchmark in providing services to the public.

"We have to strengthen our digital public infrastructure, a kind of toll road for digitizing public services. We also have to strengthen our GovTech transformation, an integrated portal that we call Digital INA, where there are educational services, health services and business license services, taxation and others," said President Jokowi, quoted on Tuesday, May 28.

The President hopes that the presence of INA Digital will be able to integrate all applications and platforms owned by each ministry/institution, as well as local governments, which currently number to reach 27,000.

"Starting this year, we will stop creating new applications, stop creating new platforms. Stop!" said President Jokowi.

On that occasion, 15 ministries and government agencies expressed their commitment to support the acceleration of digital transformation and the integration of national digital services.

Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas explained that in the short-term planning in 2024, GovTech will develop 9 priority services, one of which is BPJS Employment services.

In the future, people only need one login and fill in data to be able to access various services in one portal with safe personal data and without the need for ID card photocopy. This integrated portal is based on the needs of the community, not based on bureaucratic boundaries per agency," said Azwar.

Meanwhile, after signing the signing, the President Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Anggoro Eko Cahyo expressed his readiness to support the government's efforts to provide easy services for the community, especially workers throughout Indonesia.

He added that currently BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is also focusing on improving the quality of service that is oriented towards participants (customer centric) through the simplification of procedures and increasing the security of participant data.

Anggoro said that the Jamsostek Mobile (JMO) application, which is currently used by more than 20 million users, is very appropriate if it is collaborated with Digital INA.

"We, together with 14 other ministries of state institutions, are committed with President Jokowi in the collaboration of the SPBE Electronic-Based Government System and the launch of GovTech Indonesia. With the spirit of building a strong infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization, in the future every community service will be integrated in the INA Digital application, including services at Jamsostek Mobile," said Anggoro.

In line with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan's vision, Anggoro hopes that the collaboration that is built can encourage Indonesian workers to be faster and easier access to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan services anywhere and anytime.

"This program is in line with our vision of realizing reliable, sustainable and prosperous employment social security for all Indonesian workers. For this reason, we are ready to provide full support so that this extraordinary program can be used immediately, so that more and more workers are working Free of Gold because they have been protected by BPJS Employment so that it becomes a step towards an advanced Indonesia," concluded Anggoro.

Meanwhile, Head of the Cilincing BPJamsostek Branch Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, is optimistic that the presence of INA Digital will make it easier for participants to access various BPJamsostek services, starting from checking balances, filing claims, applying for housing assistance for workers, etc.

"We fully support the integration of Digital INA with the Jamsostek Mobile service not only to open wider access to services for existing participants, but also to make it easier to register new participants so that more workers are protected by the BPJamsostek program," said Ani, her nickname, ending.

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