JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has distributed a budget of Rp. 14.8 trillion for food security until April 2024.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the realization of food distribution grew 12.1 percent compared to the same period last year. This is influenced by the increasing distribution of village funds in the field of food security.

"This food security is very important in our APBN, the realization reaches Rp. 14.8 trillion," he said at a press conference on our State Budget, Monday, May 28.

Sri Mulyani conveyed that this realization was channeled through various ministry/institutional expenditures (K/L) including the Ministry of PUPR amounting to Rp4.1 trillion for the construction of dams and irrigation rehabilitation.

Furthermore, it was distributed to the Ministry of Agriculture amounting to Rp1.8 trillion for agricultural equipment and machinery assistance as many as 23.8 thousand units.

Then distributed to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries amounting to Rp1.4 trillion, for seed assistance as many as 22.1 million, and assistance for fishing gear as many as 2.5 thousand units.

Furthermore, it was distributed by the National Food Agency to reach Rp400 billion for the establishment of availability and stabilization of food supply and prices.

Then, through non-K/L spending, the realization reached Rp700 billion for warehouse loan interest subsidies.

Finally, through transfer to the regions (TKD) it reached IDR 7.1 trillion for the agricultural, plantation, livestock, and fisheries sectors to capture and cultivate on a village scale.

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