JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said, there were a number of obstacles that prevented micro-enterprises from advancing. One of them is related to their mindset which is considered not yet advanced.

The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) noted that up to now the number of micro-enterprises in the country has reached 99.62 percent.

"The problem is in the mindset of micro business actors who feel that they have enough, because the beginning of doing business is only to support their families," said Minister Teten in a written statement, Thursday, May 23.

Thus, micro-enterprises do not have a mindset that wants to continue to advance and develop. Because, the reason they sell is just to survive and not become strong entertainment.

In addition, Teten said there were other obstacles that also hampered micro-enterprises from entering class. Starting from difficult access to markets, raw materials to access to technology.

"Therefore, the micro business assistance program from upstream to downstream must continue and be strengthened," he said.

In fact, Teten assesses that there are many opportunities and opportunities for micro-enterprises to develop. One example is micro-enterprises in Japan that have succeeded in building products typical of Sakura Country with super beautiful packaging.

"The opportunity for micro-business products is in souvenir shops. So, product packaging must have a gift or gift concept, as is done in Japan," said Teten.

Therefore, Teten assessed that his party's mentoring program must continue by combining and enriching the pattern or strategy that is integrated in the future.

"Prefer collaboration and synergy with stakeholders and the MSME creative community to support program success," he said.

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