JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said the formation of a regional committee for sharia economics and finance (KDEKS) became an effort to ground the Islamic economy and finance. This is so that it will have a significant impact on the regional economy and ultimately strengthen the national economy.

Ma'ruf said that in the last five years, the economic and financial performance of sharia has continued to grow amid economic recovery and has become one of the sources of new economic growth.

"(Even) increasing productivity in the leading sector of the halal value chain and sharia finance also strengthens national economic resilience," said the Vice President quoting Antara.

According to the Vice President, the economy and Islamic finance in Indonesia will continue to advance in the future. One of them is due to institutional strengthening and increasing synergy between the center and the regions through the technical guidelines.

"In the future, it is believed that the Islamic economy and finance will continue to advance with the obligation to halal certification, implement a number of strategic sector roadmaps and integrate the Islamic economy and finance in the long-term and medium-term national development plan as leverage," said the Vice President.

Acceleration, he said, will be increasingly felt through the main strategy of developing a comprehensive ecosystem and the integration of four focuses of Islamic economic and financial development, namely the financial industry, the halal industry, zakat sharia funds and waqf as well as businesses and the development of sharia entrepreneurs.

The Vice President assessed that from the four focuses, the business and development of sharia entrepreneurs are the most decisive. This is because the financial industry, the halal industry, and zakat and waqf will be able to run if there are entrepreneurs.

"Entrepreneurs become the anchor for entrepreneurs, this is done through incubation on growth in regions, sharia-based entrepreneurs strengthen existing sharia entrepreneurs and the biggest thing is to emigrate who have been conventional entrepreneurs to become sharia-based entrepreneurs," said the Vice President.

In addition, the Vice President also mentioned that strengthening institutions and increasing synergy between the center and the regions that are effective will be a driving force for the success of Islamic economic and financial development.

"For this reason, the presence of the West Sulawesi Province task force which has just been confirmed, I believe can become an important pillar in developing the great potential of Islamic economy and finance," said the Vice President.

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