JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has imposed an administrative sanction of IDR 3.6 billion during April 2024 as a law enforcement measure for several business actors in the capital market.
The Chief Executive of the Capital Market, Derivative Finance and Carbon Exchange of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Inarno Djajadi said that the fine of Rp3.6 billion was imposed on four parties consisting of three investment managers and one issuer.
"In the context of law enforcement in the capital market, in April 2024, the OJK has imposed administrative sanctions in the form of fines of Rp. 3,600,000,000 and/or written orders to 3 investment managers and 1 issuer for cases of violations in the capital market sector," he explained at the press conference of the April 2024 Board of Commissioners Meeting, Monday, May 13.
Inarno said that throughout January-April 2024 the OJK had imposed administrative sanctions for examining cases in the Capital Market to 55 parties consisting of administrative sanctions in the form of fines of Rp22.37 billion, 14 written orders, 1 revocation of individual permits, and 2 written warnings.
In addition, the OJK has imposed administrative sanctions in the form of fines for delays with a value of Rp33.82 billion to 328 financial service actors in the capital market.
"56 written warnings for delays in reporting reports, as well as imposing 2 administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings for other than delays," he said.
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