JAKARTA - Maintaining cleanliness in public facilities is the responsibility of all parties. No exception on the express road or toll road, motorists must also maintain the cleanliness of the road section.

The obligation to maintain cleanliness on toll roads is even regulated in official regulations. The regulation is contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads.

Reporting from the official upload of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR on its official Instagram account @pupr_bpjt, Saturday, May 11, it was explained that the special rules regarding the prohibition of littering on toll roads were in Article 42 of Government Regulation Number 15 of 2005.

"Article 42 explains that along toll roads, it is forbidden to dispose of objects, whether intentional or unintentional," wrote BPJT.

Drivers who violate can be subject to fines in the form of fines, processed. Then, subject to sanctions according to applicable regulations. One of the sanctions that can be imposed is a fine.

"How come, we continue to maintain the cleanliness of our toll road. Don't litter on the toll road, either driving or passenger in the car. There is a fine, you know!" said BPJT.

Even if you do have garbage, BPJT urges you to keep it in the car first and throw it in the trash when it stops at the rest area or when it arrives at the destination. "So that the cleanliness on the toll road is maintained," he added.

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