JAKARTA - Celebrating the 14th Anniversary, PT HK Realtindo or HKR will increase the expansion of the rest and service management business (TIP) or rest area on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS).
In mid-2024, there are two additional rest areas, namely at KM 234 A and KM 215 B of the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung (Terpeka) Toll Road.
In the future, HKR will also increase the management of two rest area points on the Pekanbaru-Dumai (Permai) toll road, namely KM 45 A and KM 65 B.
With the expansion of the management service business at nine rest area points at this time and the addition of two rest area points in the future, it can later contribute to the company's revenue of around Rp. 17 billion per year.
The number will continue to increase along with the increasing number of points that will be managed in the future.
Acting President Director of HKR June Iranto said, HKR manages seven rest areas at JTTS, namely KM 163 A, KM 172 B, KM 208 A, KM 277 A, KM 269 B, KM 311 A and 306 B of Terpeka.
According to June, for decades of working in the field of services, this business expansion is a strategic step to expand the company's business network.
"In addition, the characteristics of the business-to-customer model are specializations of HKR with a portfolio of management of a number of properties, such as hotels, office buildings and apartments," said Juni as quoted from Hutama Karya's official website, Saturday, May 11.
June hopes that this expansion can make a significant contribution to the company's performance, by adding to HKR's business portfolio as regional manager.
"HKR is ready to present new standards in the management of rest areas to support the increase in visitors to rest areas by providing clean, comfortable and safe facilities," he added.
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