JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) decided to distribute a dividend of 100 percent of net profit in 2023 to shareholders.

The profit to be distributed is IDR 3.08 trillion or equivalent to IDR 128 per share.

"At the Annual GMS, the Company also distributes dividends as a commitment to provide optimal added value for all stakeholders. Antam is committed to continuing to record positive performance in the future," said Antam President Director Nico Kanter at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 8.

Throughout 2023, Antam recorded a net sales value of IDR 41.05 trillion with the dominant contribution coming from domestic net sales of IDR 35.37 trillion or equivalent to 86 percent of Antam's total net sales throughout 2023.

The company is also proactively strengthening customer bases in the country on gold products, nickel ore and bauxite ore.

Throughout 2023, gold products became the largest contributor to Antam's sales with a proportion of 64 percent to Antam's total sales with a sales value of IDR 26.12 trillion.

Antam also recorded a total volume of gold metal production from the Company mine of 1.21 tons, meanwhile the sale of gold metal in 2023 reached 26.13 tons.

Antam consistently encourages cost control strategies, as well as optimizing product production and sales performance from major nickel, gold and bauxite-based commodities amid global challenges affecting commodity price fluctuations.

The shareholders of the Company have approved the proposed decision from MIND ID regarding Changes in the composition of the Company's Management. In this AGMS, Elisabeth RT Siahaan has been honorably dismissed as Director of Finance and Risk Management. Antam's Board of Commissioners and Directors thanked Elisabeth RT Siahaan for her dedication and support to the company while serving as a member of the Antam Board of Directors.

In this AGMS, shareholders agreed to appoint Arianto Sabtonugroho as Director of Finance and Risk Management.

The following is the composition of the company's management:

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner: FX Sutijastoto Independent Commissioner: Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri Independent Commissioner: Anang Sri KusuwardonoCommissioner: Bambang SunarwibowoCommissioner: Dilo Seno Widagdo


President Director: Nicolas D. KanterDirector of Operations and Production: Hartono Director of Business Development: I Dewa Wirantaya Director of Finance and Risk Management: Arianto Sabtonugroho Director of Human Resources: Achmad Ardianto

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